PORTSUGAR® 2024 » Program & Registration » Rules/Regulation

PORTSUGAR® Regulation

(Approved at the CLUPAC board meeting held on January 22nd, 2024)


Article 1 - Objectives and Nature

1 - PORTSUGAR® is an annual meeting of collectors of sugar packets, organized by CLUPAC - Portuguese Club of Collectors of Sugar Packets, in accordance with our bylaws and our own rules of procedure, both approved at the CLUPAC General Meeting of Members.


2 - The goal of PORTSUGAR® is to provide the exchange of sugar packets among the participants, as well as to promote the socializing among collectors of sugar packets


Article 2 - Organization

1 - The Organizing Committee (hereinafter "CO") is endorsed every year by the Board of Director; it includes at least one of its Directors.

2 - The CO shall submit to the Board an activity plan no later than three months after its endorsement and a final report, including financial execution, within 45 days of the meeting.

3 - All surplus material produced for PORTSUGAR®, as well as any leftovers offered by the participants, will be delivered to the Board of Directors.

4 - CO shall respond to the Board and cease operations after delivery of the surplus material and presentation and approval of the final report.


Article 3 - Admissibility

1 - All collectors of sugar packets, members or not of CLUPAC, who respected the periods of registration, are admitted to PORTSUGAR®.

1.1 - The registration can be made:

• "online";

• sending the registration form (by printing it from ...) by letter or e-mail to the Club

1.2 - Registration is only confirmed with proof of payment

1.3 - There will be two distinct registration periods: the first, exclusively for members and participants residing abroad (so that you can make your reservations in good time) and a second, for all those who wish to register, members or not..

1.4 - If the registrations of the first period reach the maximum limit of the place, the second period will not be opened.

1.5 - In any of the periods, the date / time of registration will always be given.

1.6 - If registrations have exceeded the maximum limit of the place, surplus registrations will be in pending situation, in the event of any withdrawal.


2 - Each collector can bring only 1 accompanying partner. The general public may not have access to the meeting because of Covid. These conditions must be well explained, both in the registration form and in the meeting space, in a prominent place.


3 - The Organization reserves the right of admission to PORTSUGAR®, of any person who…

3.1 – have been expelled from the Club,

3.2 – manifest inappropriate conduct or disrespect for anyone and/or the Club, in particular causing disturbances.

3.3 – present themselves in conditions that indicate the practice of behaviors that disrupt the event environment


4 - It is the responsibility of the CO, after hearing the Management, the definition of the amounts to be charged for both the registration and the percentage of reduction for the members..


Article 4 - Operation

1 - Each collector shall be entitled to a table where he may display all the appropriate material related to the collection of sugar packets.

2 - The material displayed at the tables is for exchange except when participants set out their surplus packets on a table and wander around the other tables. This situation should be properly identified.

3 - CLUPAC does not endorse the buying and selling of packets. Whoever doesn’t respect this rule, must leave the meeting, immediately. Other penalties will be the responsibility of the Board.

4 - The sets of sugar packets produced for PORTSUGAR® will be delivered to the collector who:

• participated in the meeting, member or not; Accompanying partners are not entitled to the sets.

• paid their registration but couldn’t come because of a special reason but only until the 90th day after the event;

• are members of the Club but never received them, This cannot happen before 2-3 years after the event.

5 - Participants who give up until October 1st will have all their payment back. After this date, for logistical reasons, the Organizing Committee does not guarantee the return of the amounts paid.


6 - Any extraordinary activity that may occur during the PORTSUGAR® will be subject to regulations to be defined by the CO.


7 - CO and the Management are not responsible for the security of the assets of the participants, accompanying partners and visitors.


Article 5 - Omitted and Doubtful Cases

The omissions and / or doubtful cases will be solved by the Direction, listening to the actors and in harmony with the principles of this Regulation. If it is not possible to do so in a timely manner, it is the Organizing Committee that will make the decision.





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